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Per Jacobsson Foundation
International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20431

Telephone: 202 623 4742
Purposes and Activities
The Per Jacobsson Foundation was established in 1963 to carry forward the work of international cooperation in the monetary and economic field to which Mr. Jacobsson had devoted his life. The institutions with which he was closely associated for over 30 years-the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund-participated in this endeavor. The establishment of the Foundation had the full cooperation of Per Jacobsson's family, and was widely supported, as reflected in the list of the original sponsors.

The main purposes of the Per Jacobsson Foundation are to foster and stimulate discussion of international monetary problems, to support basic research in this field, and to disseminate the results of these activities. The Foundation sponsors international lectures, and sometimes a panel discussion, by persons of the highest international qualification and eminent experience in the world of international finance and monetary cooperation; they are intended to be expressions of personal and individual opinions and views, and to continue the sort of contribution to international monetary cooperation that Per Jacobsson made during his lifetime. These events take place annually on the occasion of the IMF Annual Meeting, and from time to time an additional event is organized in conjunction with the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland.

To ensure the widest possible circulation of these ideas, these lectures are published and are distributed freely to international organizations, governments, universities, banking institutions, and interested commercial and industrial companies and groups and the more recent ones are available on this website (see list of lectures).

On September 16-17, 2023, the Williams College Center for Development Economics (CDE) and the Per Jacobsson Foundation are delighted to introduce a new initiative, the CDE/Per Jacobsson Foundation Speaker Series. The invited speakers will be CDE Alumni who have worked as economic policy makers in the public sector of their countries. They will return to the Williams campus to give talks and to spend time with current CDE fellows. The goal is to share some of their practical experiences and to inspire others to follow similar paths in public service. The Per Jacobsson Foundation has generously agreed to support this initiative for three years.
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