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2024   "The rise and fall of inflation: new lessons for monetary policy?". The lecture will be delivered by Ignazio Visco, Former Governor of the Bank of Italy, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Raghuram Rajan, Chairman of the Per Jacobsson Foundation, with Roberto Campos Neto (Central Bank of Brazil), François Villeroy de Galhau (Bank of France), Andréa M Maechler (BIS) and John C Williams (Federal Reserve Bank of New York). June 30, 2023.
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2023   "Building Economic Resilience in Uncertain Times: Challenges for Emerging Markets and the Region". The 2023 Per Jacobsson Lecture will bring together policy makers and experts from Africa and the Middle East to discuss key issues and challenges facing the region. October 14, 2023 at 3:00PM GMT+1.
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2022   "Joined at the Hip: Why Continued Globalization Offers Us the Best Chance of Addressing Climate Change", Raghuram Rajan, Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance, Booth School, University of Chicago. October 15, 2022.
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    "A new age of uncertainty? Implications for monetary policy", Jens Weidmann discussed the succession of crises faced by central banks over the past years. June 26 2022.
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2021   This year's Per Jacobsson Lecture was given by Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank on "Globalisation after the pandemic", followed by a discussion with Guillermo Ortiz. Virtual event, October 16, 2021.
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2020   This year's Per Jacobsson Lecture was given by Professor Catherine Schenk on "Central bank cooperation and US dollar liquidity: what can we learn from the past?", followed by an academic panel discussion moderated by Guillermo Ortiz. Virtual event, October 30, 2020.
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2019   The Per Jacobsson Lecture was given by Mervyn King, Former Governor of the Bank of England and is entitled The World Turned Upside Down: Economic Policy in Turbulent Times. IMF HQ1 Meeting Halls A and B Saturday October 19, 4-5pm.
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2018   "Is There a New Orthodoxy for Monetary Policy?" Per Jacobsson panel —moderated by Ravi Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore with Veerathai Santiprabhob, Governor of the Central Bank of Thailand, Perry Warjiyo, Governor, Bank Indonesia and Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Bali, Indonesia October 13, 2018.
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"The Real Effects of Disrupted Credit: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis": Per Jacobsson Lecture by Ben Bernanke, former Chair of the Federal Reserve, US Board of Governors, on occasion of BIS Annual General Meeting, Basel, June 24, 2018.
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2017   "Economic and Financial Issues Related to Climate Change": A panel discussion with Guillermo Ortiz, Chairman of Per Jacobsson Foundation, Mark Carney, Chair of Financial Stability Board, Maureen Cropper of Maryland University, Ashley Schulten of BlackRock, and Nicholas Stern of London School of Economics, moderated by Palita Clark of Financial Times, on occasion of the 2017 IMF Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C., October 14, 2017.
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2016   "Are We Safer? The Case for Updating Bagohot", Per Jacobsson Lecture by Timothy F. Geithner, President, Warburg Pincus, and former Secretary of the US Treasury and President of the New York Federal Reserve on October 8, 2016 at the 2016 IMF Annual Meetings, Washington, DC
Slides from the Mr. Geithner's speech
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    "Reflections on central banking: what is it all about?": Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture, delivered by Jacob Frenkel (Chairman, JPMorgan Chase International), on the occasion of the Bank's Annual General Meeting, Basel, 26 June 2016.
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2015   "Latin America: Outlook and Challenges Ahead": A panel discussion with Julio Velarde, Governor of the Central Bank of Peru, Carmen Reinhart of Harvard University and Rodrigo Valdes, Minister of Finance Chile, moderated by the chairman of the Per Jacobsson Foundation, Guillermo Ortiz.
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2014   "The Federal Reserve and the Global Economy", 2014 Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Stanley Fischer, Vice-Chairman of the U.S Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, former Governor of the Central Bank of Israel and former First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF

    "Managing Financial Crisis in an Interconnected World: Anticipating the Mega Tidal Waves", 2014 Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Malaysia's central bank; 29 June 2014; Basel, Switzerland

2013   Central Banking in the Crisis - Conceptual Convergence and Open Questions on Unconventional Monetary Policy, Per Jacobsson Lecture by Jean-Claude Trichet former president of the European Central Bank.
Watch the Video

2012   Society, Economic Policies, and the Financial Sector, Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Y.V. Reddy former Governor, Reserve Bank of India.

2011   The IMF and the International Monetary System: Lessons from the Crisis, Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Axel Weber former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

What Financial System for the Twenty-First Century?, Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Andrew Crockett.

2010   Navigating the New Normal in Industrial Countries Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian, who is the Chief Executive Officer and co–Chief Investment Officer of PIMCO.

    Markets and Government Before, During, and After the 2007–20XX Crisis Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, President of Notre Europe and Chairman for Europe of Promontory Financial Group.

2009   Growth After the Storm? A Longer-Run Perspective
Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Dr. Kemal Dervis, who is the Vice-President for Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., and Senior Advisor to Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey.

2008   The Role and Governance of the IMF: Further Reflections on Reform, Per Jacobsson Foundation Panel Discussion with Stanley Fischer (Governor, Bank of Israel), Trevor Manuel (Finance Minister, South Africa), Jean Pisani-Ferry (Director, Bruegel), and Raghuram Rajan (Professor of Finance, Chicago Business School), moderated by Andrew Crockett (Chairman, Per Jacobsson Foundation)
Transcript of the Panel.

    The Approach to Macroeconomic Management: How it Has Evolved Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Lord George, formerly Governor of the Bank of England, (Basel)

2007   Balance of Payments Imbalances Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Alan Greenspan, formerly Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States - (View a webcast of the lecture)

2006   Asian Monetary Integration: Will It Ever Happen? Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Minister for Education and Second Minister for Finance (Singapore)

  Competition Policy and Monetary Policy: A Comparative Perspective, Per Jacobsson Foundation Lecture by Mario Monti, President, Bocconi University, Italy (Bern, Switzerland).

2005   International Financial Institutions: Dealing with New Global Challenges The Per Jacobsson Foundation lecture by Michel Camdessus, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (Washington, D.C.)

2004   The U.S. Current Account Deficit and the Global Economy The Per Jacobsson Foundation lecture by Lawrence H. Summers, President, Harvard University (Washington, D.C.)

  Some New Directions for Financial Stability? The Per Jacobsson Foundation lecture by Professor Charles Goodhart, Deputy Director Of the Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics (Zurich)

2003   The Arab World: Performace and Prospects Abdlatif Y. Al-Hamad, Director General/Chairman of the Board of Directors, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (Dubai)

2002   The Boom-Bust Capital Spending Cycle in the U.S.: Lessons Learned Lecture by E. Gerald Corrigan, Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs, and Co. (Washington, D.C.)

   Recent Emerging Market Crises - What have we learned? Lecture by Guillermo Ortiz, (Basel).

2001  No lecture took place due to the cancellation of the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the WB Group.

2000  Ten Years On - Some Lessons from the Transition. Lecture by Josef Tošovský (Prague).

   Strengthening the Resilience of Financial Systems. Panel discussion by Arminio Fraga, Prof. Peter Kenen and Jacques de Larosière (Lucerne).

1999  The Past and Future of European Integration-A Central Banking View. Lecture by Willem F. Duisenberg.

1998  Managing the International Economy in the Age of Globalisation. Lecture by Peter D. Sutherland.

1997  Asian Monetary Cooperation. Lecture by Joseph C.K. Yam, CBE. JP. (Hong Kong)

1996  Financing Development in a World of Private Capital Flows: The Challenge for International Financial Institutions in Working with the Private Sector. (pdf file) Lecture by Jacques de Larosière. Français

1995  Economic Transformation: The Tasks Still Ahead. (pdf file) Symposium panelists: Jan Svejnar. Oleh Havrylyshyn, and Sergei K. Dubinin.

1994  Central Banking in Transition. (pdf file) Lecture by Baron Alexandre Lamfalussy (London).
Capital Flows to Emerging Countries: Are They Sustainable? Lecture by Guillermo de la Dehesa (Madrid). Español Français

1993  Latin America: Economic and Social Transition to the Twenty-First Century. (pdf file) Lecture by Enrique V. Igiesias.

1992  A New Monetary Order for Europe. (pdf file) Lecture by Karl Otto Pöhl. Español Français

1991  The Road to European Monetary Union: Lessons from the Bretton Woods Regime. (pdf file) Lecture by Alexander K. Swoboda (Basel). Español Français

Privatization: Financial Choices and Opportunities. (pdf file) Lecture by Amnuay Viraran (Bangkok). Français

1990  The Triumph of Central Banking? (pdf file) Lecture by Paul A. Volcker. Español Français

1989  Promoting Successful Adjustment: The Experience of Ghana. (pdf file) Lecture by J.L.S. Abbey. Economic Restructuring in New Zealand Since 1984. (pdf file) Lecture by David Caygill. Español Français

1988  The International Monetary System: The Next Twenty-Five Years. (pdf file) Sympo-sium panelists: Sir Kit McMahon, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa. and C. Fred Bergsten (Basel). Español Français

1987  Interdependence: Vulnerability and Opportunity. (pdf file) Lecture by Sylvia Ostry. Español Français

1986  The Emergence of Global Finance. (pdf file) Lecture by Yusuke Kashiwagi. Español Français

1985  Do We Know Where Were Going? (pdf file) Lecture by Sir Jeremy Morse (Seoul). Español Français

1984  Economic Nationalism and International Interdependence: The Global Costs of National Choices. (pdf file) Lecture by Peter G. Peterson. Español Français

1983  Developing a New International Monetary System: A Long-Term View. (pdf file) Lecture by H. Johannes Witteveen. Español Français

1982  Monetary Policy: Finding a Place to Stand. (pdf file) Lecture by Gerald K. Bouey (Toronto). Español Français

1981  Central Banking with the Benefit of Hindsight. (pdf file) Lecture by Jelle Zijlstra; commentary by Albert Adomakoh. Español Français

1980  Reflections on the International Monetary System. (pdf file) Lecture by Guillaume Guindey; commentary by Charles A. Coombs (Basel). Español Français

1979  The Anguish of Central Banking. (pdf file) Lecture by Arthur F. Burns; commentaries by Milutin & Cirovic and Jacques J. Polak (Belgrade) Español Français

1978  The International Capital Market and the International Monetary System. Lecture by Gabriel Hauge and Erik Hoffmeyer; commentary by Lord Roll of Ipsden.

1977  The International Monetary System in Operation. Lectures by Wilfried Guth and Sir Arthur Lewis.

1976  Why Banks Are Unpopular. Lecture by Guido Carli: commentary by Milton Gilbert (Basel).

1975  Emerging Arrangements in International Payments: Public and Private. Lecture by Alfred Hayes; commentaries by Khodadad Farmanfarmaian, Carlos Massad, and Claudio Segré.

1974  Steps to International Monetary Order. Lectures by Conrad J. Oort and Puey Ungphakorn; commentaries by Saburo Okita and William McChesney Martin -(Tokyo).

1973  Inflation and the International Monetary System. Lecture by Otmar Emminger; commentaries by Adolfo Diz and János Fekete (Basel).

1972  The Monetary Crisis of 1971: The Lessons to Be Learned.Lecture by Henry C. Wallich; commentaries by C J. Morse and I.G. Patel.

1971  International Capital Movements: Past, Present, Future. Lecture by Sir Eric Roll; commentaries by Henry H. Fowler and Wilfried Guth.

1970  Toward a World Central Bank? Lecture by William McChesney Martin; commentaries by Karl Blessing, Alfredo Machado Gómez, and Harry G. Johnson (Basel).

1969  The Role of Monetary Gold over the Next Ten Years. Lecture by Alexandre Lamfalussy; commentaries by Wilfrid Baumgartner. Guido Carli, and L.K. Jha.

1968  Central Banking and Economic Integration. Lecture by M.W. Holtrop; commentary by Lord Cromer (Stockholm).

1967  Economic Development: The Banking Aspects. Lecture by David Rockefeller; commentaries by Felipe Herrera and Shigeo Horie (Rio de Janeiro).

1966  The Role of the Central Banker Today. Lecture by Louis Rasminsky; corn-mentaries by Donato Menichella, Stefano Siglienti, Marcus Wallenberg, and Franz Aschinger (Rome).

1965  The Balance Between Monetary Policy and Other Instruments of Economic Policy in a Modern Society. Lectures by C.D. Deshmukh and Robert V. Roosa.

1964  Economic Growth and Monetary Stability. Lectures by Maurice Frère and Rodrigo Gómez (Basel).

Subject to availability, copies of the Per Jacobsson lectures from 1989 through 1994 in English, French, and Spanish, the 1995 Symposium in English, the 1996 lecture in both English and French, and the 1997, 1998, and 1999 lectures in English may be requested without charge from the Secretary.

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